

So, I started April a bit late this year.

I feel hesitant starting this blog-every-day deal, mostly because I'm fairly positive I have nothing to write about. Though it is comforting to remember that probably no one but me will read this or even know it exists. So here begins my mundane blog about trivialities.

Like, today. Today I have to spend an unhealthy amount of time thinking about, writing, rewriting, and complaining about a paper for my English class Monday. This paper will (fingers crossed) deal with how Conrad and Yeats use genre and formal structure to reflect the loss of political action in the face of urgency during the fall of the British Empire.

But more importantly, writing this paper means I can feel completely free to wear my pajamas all day. The only people I'll be with for an extended period of time today are both authors I don't know and who are moreover...well, dead. This thought is very freeing. It's going to be what gets me through the day.

You can make me spend my whole weekend writing a paper, but you can't make me put on clothes. Power to the people.

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