

I'm continuing Cara's question idea by asking you all to ask me questions (as many or as few) as you see fit.

I like answering questions. People think it's strange that I like taxes. Not the losing some of my money part, but the filling out the forms part. I always have. Like those random surveys that used to come in the mail. My parents would just toss them, but I'd always fill them out first. Something about answering the questions and filling in the blanks is just fun.

I like quizzes, too. I guess that's pretty strange. But I set myself goals to learn stupid things--the names and locations of every country in Africa, or the order of the order of the presidents. And then I quiz myself relentlessly until it's in my head. As a consequence I know all sorts of totally random, un-useful things.

And I have a good memory, which exacerbates the problem. I unwillingly remember the names of scores of celebrities. Pointless scientific studies I've read. The details of almost every book and movie I've seen. It's amazing that my brain isn't crammed completely full by now.

Anyways, I really don't have anything interesting to say today. Went out to Noodles & Co for a delicious pesto dinner, with a Chocolate Shoppe ice cream chaser. Failed to do my Econ homework. Ah, well. I didn't pay attention in lecture, so there's no way I know how to do it anyways. The end of the semester is hard--I can't focus, much less motivate myself to do anything.

Soon it will be summer and I can get back to memorizing the order of the British monarchs.


  1. That's a pretty awesome quirk! Here are three questions for you and Cara:

    1) What is your favourite Beatles song?
    2) If you believed the sky to be falling, à la Chicken Little, what would you do?
    3) If you could bring one fictional character to life, who would it be?


  2. Wow, your brain sounds like the complete opposite of mine.

    I'm trying to think of some good questions for you, but I'm having trouble thinking of anything but the kittens in the basement. I'm going back down in a few, but i really wanted to start catching up on my BEDA Buddies.

    Question One -- What are some of your favorite names? Baby names, pet names, any kind of names.

    Question Two -- Did you have any pets growing up?

    Question Three -- What is your favorite kind of tree and why? Personally, I love weeping willows, I just love how they move.

  3. I like thinking about filling out forms, but then when it comes to the reality I get bored really quickly... I guess it's because I have
    a very short attention span!

    1) What's your favourite flavour of ice cream?
    2) Where is the furthest you've ever been from home?
    3) Tell us a bit about your family! Brothers, sisters?

    Wow, these are really nosy compared to everyone else's questions. Oh well!

