

Time is short. I'm tired. And headache-y. And trying to finish work for tomorrow.

There's a problem with blogging everyday. I have to be on my computer. And I have to have something interesting to say at the same time. That's difficult. Especially on a day like today when my very oldest, closest, best friend came to visit me all evening and then I got a call from another of my great friends that I haven't seen in months. I can't just say, "I'm sorry, I have a blog post to write." That seems rude, not to mention I'd have to blow off people I love very dearly.

I really do love writing a blog--it challenges me to write, which I am notoriously bad at doing regularly, and it helps me find my voice as a writer. I feel like I'm writing in a diary that I'm actually obligated to continue with (another thing I am terrible at doing) on the off chance that someone else might stumble across it.

But with time and energy limitations, I'm taking a bit of a cop-out and listing some things I like.

  • Books: East of Eden, Pride and Prejudice, The Great Gatsby, Harry Potter Septology, Macbeth
  • Authors (because I love all their books!): John Green, Anne McCaffrey, Jasper Fforde, Tamora Pierce, Ian McEwan
  • Movies: Princess Bride, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Philadelphia Story, Mystery Men, Blazing Saddles
  • Bad Movie (as in, it's so bad it's great): Bella Mafia
  • Food: Pasta, Mango, Pita and Hummus, Ice Cream, Broccoli
  • New Phrase: "Hyperbole is the best thing ever!" closely followed by "Scrabble: It's feng shui for the English language."
  • TV: Veronica Mars, The Daily Show, The Office (both!), 30 Rock, So You Think You Can Dance

Ok, it's officially 11:59, so this blog is going up.

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