

I can't tell a short story. I'm the person who takes 20 minutes to recommend a movie I just saw. I am physically unable to stop myself. Instead I go on and on about fantastic lines and scenes I liked and other great things I've seen the actors in and that book it reminded me of and all the inane details that I find truly fascinating and I'm sure no one else does.

I don't want to bore people to tears with these stories. I very much want them to be as in love with the movie as I am. But that's the problem--my love and my desperate need to convey how awesome it is overflow and I can't reign myself in.

And then I get lost in my own thoughts. A conversation will progress from that movie to my seeing one of the actors in an interview on Youtube to that other video I saw on Youtube of this Ukrainian polka band playing Katy Perry songs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_TIOfUEudo) to why Katy Perry is always wearing food-related clothing to what I ate for lunch to what was on Sportscenter at the cafeteria while I was eating to whether Brett Favre will really stay retired....

By that point I can't even remember what I started talking about, and odds are I didn't actually make a point about anything. Kind of like this blog post (which I've actually managed to keep rather contained).

So that's the downside. I'll never be a good storyteller. But I think I can turn this to my advantage. My eye for detail and close attention to every single event, mundane or not, will make me a great existentialist novelist.

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